Food/Nutrition Bloopers from Restaurants,
Food Companies, Web sites and News Media
The following are actual quotes or observations (the latest entries are at the top). Click for our comments. Some of these errors/misinformation have been subsequently corrected by their source and some have not.
Low-Calorie Oatmeal?
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- Created on 01, March, 2009
A restaurant press release mentions “low-calorie oatmeal” when discussing menu nutrition.
Who Regulates US Food Labeling?
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- Created on 01, February, 2009
A licensed dietitian/nutritionist writing for a newspaper states that FTC, not FDA, controls nutrition labeling issues.
Foods with "Few Calories"?
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- Created on 01, January, 2009
An article by a dietitian in a major women’s magazine lists 10 nutritious foods with “relatively few calories.”
Healthier Fast Foods?
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- Created on 01, December, 2008
A “nutrition expert” interviewed by a news station selects “best bets” in fast food for healthier options.
Worst Healthy Foods?
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- Created on 01, November, 2008
A list of “worst ‘healthy’ foods” includes yogurt with fruit on the bottom.
Calories in Pears, Fruit
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- Created on 01, October, 2008
A list of top foods in a major financial newspaper describes pears as “low in calories.”
Apple Pie High in Vitamin C?
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- Created on 01, September, 2008
A baked apple pie sold at health food stores shows 160% DV for vitamin C on the nutrition panel for one slice.
"Cholesterol-Free" and "Trans-Fat-Free" Oils
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- Created on 01, August, 2008
A newspaper article about a ban on trans fat in restaurants tells of a restaurateur planning to switch to a soybean oil that he was told will be “cholesterol free” and “trans fat free.”
"Belly Flattening" Foods
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- Created on 01, July, 2008
A health magazine article by a dietitian/MPH and reprinted on a major online news site states that certain foods are “belly flattening.”
Incorrect Nutrient Claims for Grain
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- Created on 01, May, 2008
The package of a grain product claims the product is high in fiber, two amino acids, vitamin E, etc.
Replacements for Trans Fats
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- Created on 01, April, 2008
A newspaper article states that some replacements for trans fats, such as peanut oil, contain lots of saturated fats, and might be just as bad for health. The article also quotes a nurse practitioner saying that good alternatives include soybean, corn, safflower and sunflower oils, in addition to canola and olive oil.
"Healthy" Canned Soup Not "Low-Sodium"
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- Created on 01, March, 2008
An online article in a major financial newspaper describes a reformulated, "healthy" canned soup product as “low-sodium.”
Omega 3 from Flaxseed vs. Fish
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- Created on 01, January, 2008
A news article states that flaxseed is a better source of omega-3 fats than fish.