Incorrect Nutrient Claims for Grain

The package of a grain product claims the product is high in fiber, two amino acids, vitamin E, etc.


Whenever a nutrient claim is made for a food product sold in the U.S., the claim 1) must be one that is allowed under FDA regulations, 2) it must be true for one defined serving of the product, and 3) all the nutrients mentioned must be declared on the nutrition label. This particular product shows fiber on its nutrition panel, but at 1.5 grams it is not “high” in fiber (it would need to have at least 5 g). There is no way to know if the other nutrients claimed as being “high” in the product really are, because no data is given for those nutrients. In addition, there is no established Daily Reference Value (DRV) or Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for individual amino acids for purposes of food labeling, so claims of a “high” level of any amino acid cannot be made either way.

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