Protein snack ball with collagen and cherries

A snack ball made with sea collagen, dried cherries and raw cacao is labeled with claims for various nutrients (protein, antioxidants, etc.) while making health claims, such as slowing aging...


Where to begin. This is one of several flavors of a product line imported into the U.S. Not one of them is compliant with labeling regulations. The labeling (online and on packaging) declares "rich in protein" even though only one flavor (just barely) meets the 20% Daily Value minimum required for that claim. Most make antioxidant claims (e.g., vitamin A from dried cherries), but none of the Nutrition Facts panels shows any antioxidant content. Additionally, the Nutrition Facts data is improperly rounded for all the products, and at least two have "impossible" carbohydrate content (it is lower than the sum of the fiber and sugars, not to mention other carbs that may be present) while claiming "low in carbohydrate," which is not a defined/allowed claim.

Then there are the health claims: boosts mood, lowers stress/anxiety, improves sleep, improves immunity, etc. None of these is permitted on a food product or supplement. Only tested/approved drugs can make such claims.


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