Omega 3 from Flaxseed vs. Fish

A news article states that flaxseed is a better source of omega-3 fats than fish.


Certain seeds and nuts (such as flax) may contain more omega-3 fatty acids proportionally by weight than even fatty fish such as salmon, but this is misleading, and not only because of the higher water content of fish (which makes comparisons by weight irrelevant). More importantly, fatty fish contain different omega-3 fats (DHA and EPA) that are more effective (compared to alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the omega-3 fat found in plant sources) in reducing inflammation and providing other health benefits. This is why FDA authorized a qualified health claim for foods that contain EPA and DHA omega-3 fats (from fish sources), but not for those containing plant sources of omega-3. Although ALA is converted to DHA and EPA in the body, it is thought to be an inefficient process, producing insignificant DHA and EPA. And while flaxseed is still a valuable food (good source of fiber, etc.), many products contain it in the form of whole seeds, which are more likely to pass through the body without providing much benefit. Ground seed is much more nutritionally beneficial than the whole seed.

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